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The doctor is in

Time to end delayed health care

by Julie Estlick

doctor holding stethoscope with alarm clock在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间,由于每个人都在蹲下,许多日常工作都被搁置了. That included canceling annual physicals, elective procedures, and even important health screenings and treatment, all to avoid potentially catching the virus. 现在科罗拉多州越来越多的人接种了疫苗,严格的感染协议也到位了, it’s time to schedule those appointments if you haven’t already, say local health-care providers.

In a recent survey by The Harris Poll, 52%的美国人表示,自疫情开始以来,他们推迟或取消了医疗服务. Locally, 许多医生办公室和非紧急医疗机构需要在一段时间内限制亲自护理, 患者通过视频或电话与医疗服务提供者进行日常访问或确定是否需要亲自治疗. 有时,提供全面护理是一种困难的方式. 马克·西蒙斯,北科罗拉多健康中心的内科和儿科护理医生.

“通过远程医疗访问,我们无法做常规护理,比如量病人的血压, or listen to their heart and lungs, so we couldn’t pick up heart murmurs,” Simmons says. 学龄儿童的年度检查是医生发现任何成长问题并讨论心理健康问题的时候, 在大流行的压力下,所有年龄段的人都日益关注. 西蒙斯说,他宁愿不通过视频做体检,因为担心遗漏问题.

Now that restrictions have lifted and more people are vaccinated, 他建议家庭不要再等了. 对高血压、糖尿病等已知疾病——或尚未通过巴氏试验或乳房x光检查发现的问题——延误护理的风险是一个大问题. 即使是常规的抽血也能在病人没有出现症状的情况下告诉我们很多关于身体状况的信息. “通过定期筛查,我们可以在更容易治疗的时候及早发现问题, and there are fewer chances of complications. For instance, 如果糖尿病和高血压得不到治疗,可能会出现一系列严重的医疗问题,” he explains.

New screening guidelines

One recommended test that some of us put off is a colonoscopy. 结直肠癌是男性和女性中最常见的癌症之一, 但是结肠镜检查是我们唯一能阻止癌症的检查, Simmons points out. 这是因为医生可以切除手术过程中发现的任何息肉,以防止结直肠癌的发展.

新的指南意味着更多的人将被要求在50岁生日之前安排他们的第一次结肠镜检查. 美国癌症协会最近更新了结直肠癌筛查的建议年龄为45岁. In the past, 45岁是黑人的推荐年龄,因为他们作为一个群体的风险更高, 50岁之前有结肠癌家族史的人. An initial colonoscopy was advised for everyone else at age 50.

“在美国,50岁以下的男性和女性每年有1.8万例结肠癌被诊断出来.S., so I was happy to see the new guidelines,” Simmons says. “I tell people they just have to get through the prep, 这是一个很好的午睡,因为你在结肠镜检查过程中睡着了. It’s absolutely worth it.”

Catch up on immunizations

Since the COVID-19 pandemic dragged on for over a year, many people have fallen behind on their shot schedule. 婴儿和儿童需要接种疫苗,以保护他们免受麻疹等疾病的侵害, whooping cough, and polio. If you have young children 5 and under, 尤其重要的是要遵循他们的主要系列疫苗的时间表, Simmons stresses. 大多数托儿机构要求儿童在入学前接种疫苗, as well as schools (with some exceptions allowed).

对于那些在接种COVID-19疫苗时推迟接种其他疫苗的成年人, 美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)的最新建议是,你不必等待. 在大流行期间,有些人推迟接种第一剂带状疱疹疫苗,或在接种第一剂和第二剂之间等待的时间超过建议的2至6个月, for instance. If you’ve waited, it is recommended that the second dose of Shingrix, the shingles vaccine, be done as close to 6 months after the first one as possible. You are still protected, according to the CDC, 所以,无论你处于COVID-19疫苗接种计划的哪个阶段,都要继续安排它. 

此外,即使你的淋巴结在注射COVID-19后可能会肿大,也可以进行乳房x光检查. 只要告诉做乳房x光检查的技术人员你最近接种了COVID-19疫苗,他们会考虑的.

calendar pages flyingPay attention to your teeth

去年,去看牙医的次数也经常被搁置. A dental cleaning, though, 是不是不仅仅是为了让你的牙齿像珍珠一样洁白——你的牙齿和口腔问题的状况会在一年内发生巨大的变化, says Dr. 网上博彩澳门银河家庭牙科诊所的Justyna Aspiazu说.

“蛀牙会变得更大,导致根管或拔牙. A small lesion on the tongue, which could have been removed, may become malignant, grow, and spread cancer to other parts of the body,” Aspiazu warns. 

And according to an American Dental Association survey, 全国各地的牙医报告说,与压力有关的牙齿状况增加了60%以上,比如导致头痛的咬牙切齿和磨牙, muscle fatigue, and fractured teeth.

For all of these reasons, 现在是去看牙医,了解牙齿健康状况的好时机, Aspiazu says. 家庭牙科诊所为病人提供常规护理和紧急护理,并制定了严格的清洁协议. Call 970-416-5331 to see if you are eligible for services.

当我们回归更正常的日常生活时,为我们的健康腾出时间是值得的. 作家兼哲学家西蒙娜·德·波伏娃说得最好:“不要把赌注押在未来上, act now, without delay.”

Schedule affordable care*
UCHealth Family Medicine Center

Salud Family Health Center - Blue Spruce
(Additional locations in Fort Collins and northern Colorado)

Poudre School District Health and Wellness Center
(open by appointment during the summer)
Enroll at 970-488-4950 or
Health District's Heart Health Promotion Program
注册护士为卫生区居民提供免费胆固醇和血压检查和教育. For appointments and upcoming clinic dates/locations call 970-224-5209 or go to for more information.

Health District's Family Dental Clinic
Call to see if you qualify at 970-416-5331 or go to for more information.



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